Distant Myles Read online

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Chapter Thirty-eight



  This journey would not have happened without the love and support of my husband and children. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting and encouraging me to continue.

  Dee...Thank you for being my editor, my sounding board and giving me your complete honesty. I couldn’t have done it without you.

  J…Thank you for being you. Your friendship means the world to me. Thank you for all the encouraging words you have sent my way.


  This book is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, and incidents that appear or happen are entirely coincidental.

  This book contains adult content and is intended for entertainment purposes only.

  ISBN-13: 978-1492310471

  Copyright 2013

  All Rights Reserved

  Distant Myles

  Mandee Mae

  Chapter One


  Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder where your life is going? Are you doing what you were supposed to do? Is there something missing? I am laying in my bed asking myself these exact questions – and a lot more. Don’t get me wrong, I have a wonderful job, a great apartment and wonderful friends, but sometimes I just wonder if there is more.

  I am a 35-year-old traveling nurse. I love it. I go where I am needed for as long they need me. The company I work for is great. I get to travel, visit wonderful places, meet amazing people…and the best part is, I get paid to do this.

  I have been with the same company for six years. That’s where I met Jamie. She is my best friend. We met on my first day in such an odd way. Jamie walked up with a big shit-eating grin on her face, introduced herself, and then asked me, if the “carpet matched the drapes.”

  My jaw dropped and I nearly wet myself from laughing so hard. I am a natural redhead and no one has ever asked me that question.

  After we calmed down, I just looked at her and said yes. That was it. We’ve been best friends ever since.

  I have several friends, but Jamie is my family. I trust her with my life. She knows what kind of life I had growing up. I didn’t grow up with much. Money was hard to come by. Some days we ate, some days we didn’t.

  So when I turned 17, I left home. I dropped out of school and tried to find my own way. My parents didn’t put up too much of a fight since it meant one less mouth to feed. It was difficult in the beginning, but I took care of myself best I could. I found a job then got an apartment and earned my GED. I even put myself through college. I have no idea where my parents are and I am sure they have no idea where I am.

  The sound of the alarm brings me back to reality and I look at the clock. I need to get up. Jamie will be here in a couple of hours to pick me up for our annual road trip.

  We take the same time off every year for our vacation. Sometimes we know exactly where we want to go, but other times, we just drive. This year, all we know is that we’re heading toward Texas.

  My bags are already packed and my clothes are laid out so it’s time to hit the shower. I grab my towel and turn on the shower so it warms up while I undress.

  Once the bathroom has completely filled with steam, I step into the shower and start washing. I shave my legs, underarms, then down below. I leave a nice landing strip — not that I am going to be showing anyone. I haven’t been with a man in three years anyway.

  I thought I had found my prince charming when Steve and I started dating. He was very attentive and would call to see how my day was going, et cetera. He was my first serious relationship and I lacked experience. I wasn’t a virgin, but I had only been with two other guys before him.

  My lack of experience didn’t seem to bother him. It just meant he could teach me things he wanted me to do to him…for him. Or so I thought.

  For instance, I had only given one blowjob in my life and the asshole told me I was doing it wrong. Needless to say, that was the last time I did that.

  He decided I wasn’t right for him. After two years of dating, he needed someone who catered to his needs and he was gone. Just like that.

  It hurt a little in the beginning. When it didn’t take long for me get over him, I realized he wasn’t the one for me. I have learned a few things since Steve; things that will make someone ooh so very happy.

  After taking my shower and getting dressed, I grabbed my luggage and put it in the living room. Jamie would be here any minute. I was ready to get the hell out of town and ready for vacation.

  Just as I was just heading towards the kitchen, there was a knock on the door. Jamie walked in. I have an open door policy with Jamie, where she can come and go as she pleases.

  I have learned NOT to do this at her apartment, however. One evening I walked in and what I saw stopped me dead in my tracks. I nearly died from embarrassment, so I turned and left as quickly as I could.

  Jamie and Sam were fucking wildly on her couch. I will never get that image out of my head. We laugh about it now, but I still blush every single time because I didn’t even think that position was possible.

  “Are you ready to go,” I asked Jamie as I grabbed the bag I packed in the kitchen, so we would have something to eat and drink on the road.

  “Yeah, Amelia,” Jamie said as she grabbed my bags and headed for the door. “Let’s get your stuff loaded so we can get on the road.”

  Since we know we’re heading towards Texas, all we have to do is figure out what town we’re going to. I think

  Galveston would be nice since it‘s near the Gulf, but I am not sure where we are going to stay. We haven’t gotten that far yet. Since Jamie and I are both from Illinois, the beach would be a nice change of scenery. Jamie said she would drive first, so I run around to the passenger side and jump in. She turns on the tunes and we head out.

  We are four hours into our drive, out of Illinois, and on track. It feels good to be on the road again.

  It has been a few months since we got back from our last work assignment and while I still love what I do, I don’t know if I want to continue living in Illinois. I’m also lonely. The winters have started getting to me. They seem to last longer and longer, which makes me feel worse and worse. I absolutely hate winter. Don’t get me wrong, I love the snow, but all I need is one snow, then I am done. Then I am ready for spring and summer.

  “Are you getting hungry,” Jamie asks me, interrupting my thoughts as she is turning down the radio.

  “A little. Do you want to snack or
do you want to stop at the next rest area and we can both go to the bathroom then I can drive for a while?”

  “Yeah, we can stop, have a break and get back on the road.”

  Twenty minutes later we are back on the road. We decide to drive for a few more hours. We check in to a hotel in Arkansas to crash for the night. Once my head hits the pillow, I am out.

  The next morning we get up bright and early, shower and head out.

  Jamie takes the wheel and I stare out the window watching the scenery pass by. Once again I get lost in my own thoughts. Sometimes it’s a scary place — and I must have it written all over my face because Jamie nudges me.

  “What are you thinking over there?” Jamie asks, trying to get my attention.

  “Just stuff on my mind,” I tell her. “We can talk about it later. I don’t want to talk about it on the road.” Then I turn my head to look out the window again. “How does Galveston sound to you? It’s near the Gulf.”

  She looks my way, smiles and says it sounds like a great plan. Looks like we are going to Galveston.

  “Okay. If you want to keep driving for another hour, I will take over to finish out the drive.”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  Jamie and I don’t always have to talk when we are on our trips. We can just relax and enjoy the scenery, but once we get going, it’s hard to shut us up. Sometimes our conversations get rather raunchy. We talk about everything. Nothing is off limits with us. We talk about everything, from dick size to masturbation. If there’s something we want to know, we don’t stop until we get an answer. Hell, we have spent so much time together that our cycles have synced.

  I am trying to pay attention on where we need to go while admiring the view. Jamie is singing along to the radio. It is gorgeous and peaceful. I start thinking again about where my life is headed.

  I wish I could find someone to share my life with, someone to crawl in bed with at night and wake up with in the morning. It doesn’t need to be someone “tall, dark, and handsome” like in fairytales. Looks aren’t everything, but there has to be a connection.

  I am not one to believe in love at first sight either, but I am ready to find someone to love and grow old with. I would love to have kids, but that isn’t a deal breaker.

  I know Jamie is perfectly happy in her life. She has a “friends with benefits” relationship with our friend Steve that has lasted for a couple of years now. How they aren’t emotionally involved is beyond me. Jamie is beautiful with blonde hair and brown eyes. She’s tall and slender, yet has curves in all the right places that men love. She knows she’s beautiful and uses it to her advantage when needed, but it doesn’t go to her head.

  She is always telling me how good I look; that I am just a beautiful as she is, but I just don’t see it. I am only 5’ 7, with long red hair and blue eyes — which come to find out, is not very common for a redhead to have blue eyes.

  Oh, and did I mention that I am covered with freckles? I mean head to toe in freckles. I even have freckles on my pussy lips! Seriously. I discovered that one day while I was holding a mirror there shaving myself. It’s not like I lay out in the sun naked with my legs spread wide trying to sun myself. (Hell, I thought you only got freckles where the sun shines…apparently I was wrong.)

  I have curves, a semi-round ass and a nice pair of tits. I like them anyway. They are definitely more than a handful and they draw a lot of attention. My breasts seem to be the first thing a person notices about me. They don’t look at my face; they go right for the breasts. I have just gotten used to it. I try not to dress too sexy and show them off, but it doesn’t really seem to matter how I dress.

  Chapter Two


  The gulf comes into our view and we are jumping for joy. We made it! We’re here! Now all we have to do is find a hotel.

  We keep our eyes open for some place where we can crash for a few days. I wouldn’t mind spending the entire two weeks here, but I don’t know what Jamie wants to do yet. We stop at the local store to grab a few things and get a newspaper.

  After the store, we jump back in the Jeep and head back down the road to a park we saw a mile or so back to rest for a bit and see if there is anything in the paper.

  “Did you find anything yet,” Jamie asks while she is flipping through a magazine.

  “Well, that depends. Are you wanting to stay in a hotel or do you want to rent a house for a week or two?”

  Jamie looks at me while putting her sunglasses back on and says “Why, what do you have?”

  “There is a house for rent that‘s in our price range and it's not too far from the beach. It’s also within walking distance from town. I can call and see if we can take a look at it.”

  “Sure, sounds good. Give them a call and see what they say. We don’t know until we try.” Jamie said while walking over to throw away some trash.

  An hour later we are driving up to the house and can’t believe what we see. This place is amazing. There are trees that line the long driveway up to cottage style house.

  If we weren’t paying attention, we would have driven past it. You just don’t notice it. We get out and see that the owner is waiting for us on the porch.

  We both look at each other and all we can say is, “Wow!” This guy is HOT. He is at least six feet tall with brown hair that’s long enough to get a nice handful. I can’t see what color his eyes are, but he definitely looks like he works out. He has nice broad shoulders and fills out that suit very nicely. He sounded a lot older on the phone, but he can’t be any older than his early thirties. Heading towards the house, we can’t contain the smile that is on our faces — and the smile that is on his face makes your toes curl. We reach the porch and he extends his hand.

  “Hi, I’m Caleb. It’s nice to meet you.” Caleb extends his hand to us.

  “Hello, I’m Amelia Martin and this is Jamie Livingston.” We both shake Caleb’s hand and I see Jamie tense a little when she takes his offered hand.

  “Well, let me unlock the door so you ladies can look around and see if you’re interested,” Caleb says while unlocking the door so we can go in.

  “I’m interested.” Jamie says as she walks past me to go further into the house. I turn a little to see if I heard her correctly. Yep, I did. She is eyeing Caleb like there is no tomorrow and I have a feeling I know where this is going to lead.

  Walking further into the house is like a breath of fresh air. The open floor plan is amazing. The living room has a large brown leather couch with two wingback chairs.

  A large flat screen TV on the opposite wall adds a nice touch. So far, this place has a nice homey feeling. As we go through the living room, there is a nice size kitchen with all stainless steel appliances, a breakfast nook in the corner, and sliding doors that open up to a fairly large deck. Walking outside, Caleb explains there is a private walk that goes down to the beach from the deck. Well, that grabs our attention! So far, we love the place. Walking back inside, we finish the tour after seeing all three bedrooms and four bathrooms. Jamie and I look at each other and we both laugh.

  We head back into the living room, Caleb reviews the cost for a two-week stay and asks if we have any questions. Jamie and I excuse ourselves so we can discuss our options. We quickly decide this is exactly what we want.

  Heading back inside, we let Caleb know we will take it. We take the keys and walk back out to the Jeep to grab our bags. Saying our goodbyes to Caleb, we thank him for the rental and he shakes our hands. He holds on to Jamie’s for a few seconds longer than normal. I grab a few of our bags, and then I realize I am the only one moving. Caleb and Jamie are still talking

  and I notice she has a slight blush to her.

  “Jamie! Are you going to help with the luggage or stand there talking all day?” Both Jamie and Caleb turn towards me laughing. Jamie grabs her bags and comes into the house. We already know which bedrooms we want, so we unpack and get settled in. An hour later we meet up in the kitchen to figure out what’s next.

>   “What’s with you and Caleb? Was he hitting on you?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, he was. He seems really nice and I didn’t see a ring on his finger. We’re on vacation, so I figure why not,” Jamie says blushing a little, which is weird, because Jamie does not blush.

  “Did he ask you out? Like you said, we are here to have fun and relax, so go for it!”

  “I am so glad you approve because he is taking us out this evening for dinner. He has a friend he wants to bring along as a date for you.” She says this as she is walking out of the room. She knows that I do not like blind dates.

  We have been here all of two hours and already have dates for this evening. Jamie is a lot more confident than I am. She can just walk up to people and start conversations while I am a little more reserved.

  Don’t get me wrong, I like to have fun, but I usually have to have a few drinks before I can just go up to people and start talking. Well, this should be fun.

  “Hey Jamie, where are we going and are we meeting them there?”

  “We are going to a restaurant down by the beach,” Jamie says as she is skipping down the hall towards me. “Caleb said they would pick us up around seven.”

  “Okay, so who is this guy that I am supposed

  to be meeting?”

  “His name is Myles Parker and Caleb thought you guys would hit it off. That’s all he said, so you will have to wait until this evening to find out more.”

  “Well, we have a few hours until then do you want to go for a walk and see what’s around?”

  “Yep, let’s go,” Jamie says heading towards the door.

  Chapter Three


  Taking a different way home and almost getting lost, we finally make it back home with a couple of hours to spare. I decide to jump in the shower to freshen up before going on this blind date. Washing quickly so I can shave and buff, I start to trim my pubic hair. Then I decide, what the hell and shave myself bald. It actually feels rather nice being bare down there.