Distant Myles Page 6
She is shaking her head and laughing. “Amelia, we have only been here for 24 hours and yet you have managed to not only meet a hot stranger, but to start falling for this said hot stranger. And, by the look in your eyes, you know you are falling for him and you just don’t want to admit it. Am I right?”
“Jesus, Jamie. How can I be falling for him? Like you said, I have only known him for 24 hours, but I feel as if I have known him my whole life. We can talk about anything. I told him about my family and how I ran away. I mean, we talked about everything.” Turning on my side to face her so I can see her reaction when I talk to her.
“Jamie…God, I just don’t know what to do.”
“Amelia, it’s obvious you like him and I’m pretty sure he feels the same way. You need to talk to him. If you care for him the way I think you care for him, he deserves to know. I know we are on vacation and you and Myles live states apart, but you need to tell him. There is something else bothering you too. I know you said there was something you wanted to talk to me about, so now’s the time to fess up. What else is on your mind?”
“You’re right. There is something else I wanted to talk to you about, but just hear me out before you go all ‘Jamie’ on me, okay?”
“Okay, I promise to keep my mouth shut until you get done talking. Obviously this is something very important to you and I will try to keep an open mind.”
“Thank you.” Here’s another conversation that I was dreading. Taking a deep breath, I focus on the water to try and help me relax. Then I start in.
The first thing I tell her is how much I love and appreciate her and everything she has done for me. Jamie reaches out and grabs my hand, squeezing it, letting me know that she is there for me no matter what I tell her. I let go of her hand and wipe the tear that has already fallen down my cheek.
I tell her that I love my job and the people I work with and being able to travel with her is wonderful, but something is missing in my life and I’m not sure what it is. Well, I wasn’t sure what it was until recently.
Clearly, the winters are hard on me and each year they get more and more depressing. I tell her I don’t know how much more I can take. I am ready to move, but I don’t know where. I am ready to find someone to share my life with and settle down. Then I say it…I admit to her that I might have just found what I was looking for in Myles.
Jamie tells me she understands, but I can see the sadness in her eyes; sadness, because that would mean I would be moving and leaving her. I would be leaving our friendship behind. We talk a little more about Myles and the feelings I have for him.
I don’t want to talk about me anymore, so I change the subject and start asking her questions about Caleb. Her face lights up and I know that I can relax now.
“So, what are we going to make the guys for dinner tonight?” Jamie asks as she readjusts her bikini top.
“I don’t know. I guess I should have asked Myles if there was anything he didn’t like.”
“Well, you make a great lasagna. We could have that with a salad and garlic bread.” Jamie says with a big ass grin. She loves it when I make lasagna because I usually make an extra pan just for her.
“Sounds good. Hey, what time is it anyway? They will be here at seven, and we still need to go to the store for groceries and then get ready.”
She looks at her watch then at me “Looks like it’s time to go if we have all that to do. We have been out here a while. Are you okay? Do you feel better since you got all that off your chest?”
“Yes, I’m fine and I do feel better. Thank you for listening to me.”
“No problem, Amelia. Anytime.”
We get all of the things together and head back to the house so we can get changed and head to the store. We want to make sure we have enough time to get everything ready and have it done on time when the guys show up.
Chapter Sixteen
There is a brief knock at the door and then Caleb walks in. I am in the kitchen grabbing a beer from the fridge. I just go ahead and grab another, because I know he’ll want one.
“Hey, Myles. What’s up? It sounded kind of urgent on the phone,” Caleb says after I hand him his beer.
“I need to talk to you about Amelia.”
He gives me a shit eating grin, pats my back and says, “Come on, let’s go sit down. I have a feeling this is going to take a while — and a couple more beers.”
We walk into the living room to sit down. I find my usually spot on the couch and Caleb goes to his chair across from me.
“Okay, Myles, tell me what’s going on? I can probably already guess by the look on your face, but I want to hear what you out before I say anything.”
Taking a pull off my beer, I start to tell him what’s going on in my head. “Caleb, I have known this woman for less than two days and I can’t get her out of my head. I have already started having feelings for her and you know that’s not like me. She’s only here on vacation for two weeks. Fuck! The one thing I have always been able to control are my feelings and I can’t even do that when she around. I haven’t felt this way since...”
“Myles, Amelia is not Megan. You can tell that just by looking at her. What Megan did to you was cold. I always told you that bitch didn’t have a heart and I was right. You should have listened to me in the beginning and it would have saved you a lot of heartache.”
“I know, I know. You have done the ‘I told you so’ already, so let's not go there again, okay? I know Amelia is not Megan. It took me two years to feel for Megan what I already feel for Amelia and it’s been less than two days. Hell, I almost told Amelia that I love her.”
“You did what?”
“Yep…I stopped myself, but I just about let it slip. I mean, I have feelings for her, but I don’t really know if I love her. God, I sound like such a pussy.”
“No, you sound like someone who is pussy whipped. She must be rather good if she has you this messed up in less than two days,” Caleb says laughing. “The best advice I can give you is to just talk to her. I like her already and you know I would tell you otherwise if I didn’t. Does she know about Megan?”
“No, she doesn’t know about
Megan. Why would I tell her that? We have only had one date. If and when I decide to tell her about Megan, I will, but it’s too soon right now.”
“Because, if you really are in love with her, which I think you are, you need to tell her. Women need to hear that shit. You know, be open and honest with each other, all touchy-feely,” Caleb says after finishing off his second beer.
“Now, with that being said, Jamie called and invited me to dinner with you and Amelia. She said we are supposed to be there at seven and we don’t need to bring anything.”
“I remember. How is it going with Jamie anyway? Did you two hit it off the other night?”
“Yes, we hit it off. Do you think she could turn this down?” Caleb says rubbing his hands on his chest.
“I’m sure she couldn’t resist your charm, douchebag,” I have to laugh. Caleb knows he’s good looking. He has women after him all the time, but he’s a good guy.
“Seriously, we had a good time. Jamie is nice, beautiful, sexy and smart. What more could I want. We’re having fun together. Whether that turns into something more, I don’t’ know. They’re only here for two weeks after all.”
“Alright, I get it. Thanks for coming over and letting me unload on you.”
“No problem. I’m going to head out,” Caleb says as he heads to the door. I need to take a shower before I go over to Amelia’s. And I make a mental note to stop at the store and grab a bottle of wine on my way.
Chapter Seventeen
Jamie and I get back to the house after doing our grocery. She grabs an extra bottle of wine and, of course, a box of condoms. You know, the ones that are ribbed for her pleasure. I guess I know what her plans are after dinner.
“Uh, Jamie, where do you want your rubbers at because I am not going to l
eave them on the island as part of the entertainment?”
Laughing, Jamie says, “Oh, yeah. Toss them to me. I’ll put them in my room.” So I toss her the box of rubbers and finish putting things away.
It’s five o’clock and I start getting things out so I can start dinner. Jamie is setting the table, so I won’t have to worry about that. She’s a little OCD when it comes to setting the table, so I let her have at it. Setting the oven to preheat, I start cooking the hamburger and boiling the noodles. When those are done, I assemble the lasagna. By the time I am done with that, it’s time to take a shower, shave, trim, and buff.
I have already decided what I am going to wear tonight. Nothing fancy, just a nice, comfortable dress — sans panties. I want to see if I he will notice. Considering he couldn’t keep his hands off me last night or this morning, I bet it won’t take him too long to figure it out. I would love to go without a bra too, but having big breasts, that’s not an option. Hell, I would be naked all the time if I could.
At 6:45 Jamie and I are in the kitchen, getting the bread ready to go in the oven and throwing the salad together. We hear a knock at the door and Jamie goes to answer the door. I want to get the bread in the oven to warm up. Since it only takes a few minutes, that’s the last thing I have left to do. I close the oven door and start to turn around just as a pair of arms circle around me.
Leaning in and kissing my neck, Myles says, “You smell good and so does dinner.” Then, lowering his voice and whispering in my ear, he continues, “makes me wonder what dessert will taste like.” Well, that sent a shiver down my body. I know he can tell because he starts chuckling. He brings his hands back around to my waist and then grips my hips, pulling me back into him. His thumbs start a circling motion on the top of my buttocks, but he stops after only a few circles. I know he knows now, because the next thing I hear is, “Fuck!” He kisses the back of my head and walks away. I try not to laugh, but I fail miserably.
I turn around and see Jamie and Caleb standing at the island opening a bottle of wine.
I look around then ask, “Where did Myles go?”
“He said he needed to use the restroom, so I showed him which direction it was and he took off.” Jamie says to me with a knowing smile on her face.
“Dinner smells great, ladies. Thank you again for the invitation,” Caleb says as he is pouring the wine.
“Thanks, Caleb. Dinner should be ready in about 15 minutes. Jamie, I need to go grab something out of my room. Would you keep an eye on dinner for me?” I ask her, hoping she understands what I am talking about.
“Yes, I will keep an eye on dinner. You go grab whatever you need. Caleb and I will be just fine.” I can see it on her face. She is trying very hard not to laugh. She knows I’m going to go check on Myles.
I head down the hall towards the bathroom door. What am I going to do when I get there” Knock and say do you need any help in there? Shit! I should just go back to the kitchen and wait for him. I start to turn away, but the bathroom door opens. Myles reaches out, grabs my hand and yanks me into the bathroom, shutting and locking it in the process.
He is on me in a nanosecond, kissing me hard, shoving me back against the wall. His hands are all over me. In my hair, squeezing my breast, kissing me up and down my arms. He is everywhere. He stops the kiss, resting his forehead on mine, trying desperately to catch his breath.
“Amelia, I don’t know what you are doing to me, but I can’t keep my fucking hands off you.”
Well, since he put it like that. I don’t want him to keep his hands off me. I am as turned on as he is. I know I am already wet. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to go without underwear.
He brings his hands down to my hips and starts to gather my dress. He’s watching me, staring into my eyes to see what reaction he will get. He is trying to take it slow, but I don’t want slow…I want fast and hard.
While keeping our eyes locked together, I reach down and start rubbing his cock through his pants. He is as hard as a rock. I only get a few strokes in before I can’t take it anymore and reach up to unbutton his pants. I quickly unbutton, unzip, and rip his pants down, taking his boxers with them, letting his erection spring free. Myles reaches around and grabs my ass, lifting me in the air. My legs automatically wrap around him. He pins me to the wall and slams in, making me gasp. I have to bite my bottom lip to keep from yelling out.
“Fuck,” He says after he is buried all the way in. He stops for a brief second to readjust his grip.
I bring my hands up and grip his hair, holding on tight as he slowly withdraws his cock to the tip and slams in again.
“Faster, Myles!” That’s all I am able get out of my mouth. I am barely able to breathe. He picks up speed, withdraws, slam, withdraws, slam...I love it.
“Myles, harder, I’m almost there.” That’s all I have to say and he lets go. Pounding into me, he hits that sweet spot every time he thrusts in.
“Myles, don’t stop. Whatever you do, don’t stop.”
“God, Amelia, you feel so good. Come with me.”
He thrusts in twice more, which throws us both over the edge. My orgasm hits me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. I can still feel his cock twitching inside me. It’s buried all the way in, releasing his fluids. I can’t believe I just had mind blowing sex in the bathroom with Jamie and Caleb out there. I really hope they didn’t hear us, but I’m sure they know what we are doing. If not, it will be evident when I walk out and Jamie will see it written all over my face.
Chapter Eighteen
I just couldn’t let her walk back to the kitchen, so I did the only thing I could think to do. It was the only thing I wanted to do, and God, I feel so much better. I don’t want to let her go just yet and her legs are still wrapped around me, so I wrap my arms around her and slowly lower both of us to the floor. I bury my face in her neck and just breathe. I try to catch my breath and I can tell she is doing the same. Her scent is embedded in my brain. I just want to sit here and hold her. This feels right.
“I guess we should get back out there, Myles.”
I raise my head and look her in the eyes and say, “Yeah, you’re probably right. Or, if you give me a few minutes, we could just stay in here and have some more fun.” I wiggle my eyebrows for a little added encouragement.
“Or, we could get up and go out there and have dessert after dinner,” she says wiggling her own eyebrows at me.
“All right, all right. We’ll get up and go out there. You know they are probably going to give us a hard time, but it was worth it. Thank you, Amelia.”
She unwraps her legs and starts to stand, causing me slip out of her wet, hot tunnel. God, I miss her already. Yep, there I go again sounding like a pussy.
I stand up to get dressed. Amelia is cleaning herself up, so she doesn’t have my come running down her leg. Just like that, I’m hard again. Jesus, what is with me tonight? She gets her dress situated and we are both ready to venture back out to the kitchen. I know Caleb is going to give me hell. He won’t say anything in front of Amelia or Jamie. He will wait until they aren’t around and then start in on me.
I open the door, allowing Amelia to go out first. She stands there for a minute and looks at me, leans in and gives me a kiss, then takes off down the hall.
“Hey, Amelia, did you find what you needed to grab in your bedroom? I was beginning to think you got lost.” I can hear Jamie tormenting Amelia after she gets back to the kitchen.
“Yes, Jamie. I found exactly what I was looking for.” Her face was flushed to begin with, thanks to me, but I bet it is bright red now.
Heading over to the stove, she looks over her shoulder towards Jamie and says, “I think the lasagna and the bread are done if you guys are ready to eat.”
“This smells wonderful, Amelia. I haven’t had homemade lasagna in ages,” I tell her while pulling her chair out for her. Then I kiss the top of her head after she is seated. While walking around to sit in my chair, I look up an
d see Caleb staring at me shaking his head.
We all fill our plates and dig in. This is really good. I’ll have to get her to make this for me again. We sit and talk about our jobs and vacations we have taken. Amelia and Jamie tell us about all of the places they have been. They clearly have a good time together.
Since Amelia and Jamie cooked, Caleb and I get up and start to clear the table. That’s only fair, right? They cook, we clean. We get the table cleared and the dishes loaded in the dishwasher.
I wash and dry my hands and then I hear my cell phone ping at me. Who could be messaging me? Digging out my phone, I push retrieve to see who it is from. I know it’s not Caleb, because he’s standing right in front of me.
Fuck! What the hell does she want? I haven’t talked to her in years. Not since the day I walked into our bedroom and found her in bed with not one, but two men. Men who did not belong in my bed. I look up and see Caleb staring at me.
“What’s wrong, Myles?” Amelia asks me when she sees the shocked look on my face.
“Uh, it’s nothing,” is the only reply I can come up with while putting my phone away.
“Do you guys want to go out on the deck with us?” Jamie asks while filling her wine glass, looking back and forth between Caleb and me.
I walk over and kiss Amelia and tell her I have had a wonderful evening and the lasagna was great, but I am going to have to take a rain check. I know, shitty of me, right. I walk over and give Jamie a brief hug and head for the door. Amelia comes up behind me as I reach for the door handle.
“Myles, are you sure you’re okay? You’re acting a little strange.”
“Yes, Amelia, everything’s fine. I just need to take care of something. I will call you tomorrow, okay?” I give her another kiss and head out the door. I need to figure out why she is texting me and get her to leave me alone. I told her years ago that I didn’t want anything to do with her anymore and I meant it. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! There goes the night I had planned with Amelia.