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Distant Myles Page 4

  “God, you’re so deep,” she says, while reaching her hands back and placing them on my thighs, squeezing, to bring me closer. Then she does it again. She squeezes her pussy muscles. I clench my jaw, look down at her and raise an eyebrow. She has a sweet little smile on her face. I smile back. So, that is how we’re going to play? Okay! I can play too.

  I push her legs towards her even more, changing the angle once again. I let go and start thrusting hard. Watching her breasts bounce with each thrust is mesmerizing. She has beautiful, natural tits and they are a joy to watch.

  “Myles, Myles…yes, mmm!” I can tell she is getting ready to come. I can feel her muscles squeezing me, trying to suck me further in. I don’t know how much longer I can last. I need her to let go before I do. I increase my pace slightly. It’s just enough to do the trick.

  “Yes, just like that. Myles, I am so close. Just a little more.” I release her right leg and reach down and rub her clit hard.

  “Look at me. I want to watch you while you come.” I have to watch her.

  “Myles, fuck, yessss!!!” She screams her release and I feel my cock getting bathed in wetness. It just keeps coming, pouring out of her, and then it hits me. I made her squirt. Holy Fuck! I thought that was a myth. I have never been able to make a woman squirt. That thought and the feeling of her wet, warm juices running down my legs is my undoing.

  “Fuck, Amelia!” I yell, thrusting once, twice, three times and I am done. My orgasm rips through me before I can do anything. I have never come so hard in my life. I can feel my cock twitching inside her.

  I release her legs and drop down on top of her, kissing her tenderly. Hoping she can feel what I am feeling through this kiss. Breaking apart, I rest my forehead on hers. We are both trying desperately to catch our breaths. We lay like this for a couple of minutes before I reach down and take hold of the condom and withdraw. I remove the condom and tie if off.

  “I’ll be right back, Amelia.” Then I go to the bathroom to discard the condom and grab a warm washcloth for her.

  Chapter Nine


  “Myles…God, that was amazing!” I say while he is walking to the bathroom. He looks over his shoulders and smiles that amazing smile of his. I am lying in bed, waiting for him to get back in bed. I can’t believe I just did that. He was right…He rocked my world. Wow! I never knew having someone eat my pussy could feel so damn good. I want to do it again, but I know I am already going to be sore tomorrow. He was just so big and of course I had to go and ask for it harder and faster.

  Myles walks out of the bathroom with a washcloth and I give him a questionable look, raising an eyebrow.

  “It’s just to clean you up a little bit. Don’t look so surprised,” he says standing by the bed.

  “We are going to have to change the sheets though.” He’s chuckling a little as he says this. What’s he talking about...changing the sheets? I sit up and scoot back so I can see what he is talking about.

  “What the hell? Your sheets are all wet. Is all that from me? It looks like I pissed the bed.” I am horrified that I caused his bed to get so wet.

  “Yes, Amelia. That is all you. You squirted while I was fucking you,” Myles states in a way that sounds as if he is proud of himself.

  “I… What?” Did he just say I squirted?

  “Yes, you squirted. You know, female ejaculation. Let me tell you, it felt fucking amazing to have your juices flying out of you onto my cock. I had it running down my legs too. It was hot! I have never made anyone squirt before. That’s a first for me.”

  Oh. My. God. I really did it. I gushed all over his bed and now his bed is soaked. “Myles, God. I don’t know what to say. Sorry, I got your bed all wet.” I am really embarrassed now. I turn away from him.

  “Amelia, look at me.” I slowly turn back to look at him. He climbs on the bed to sit beside me, lays the washcloth down, and brings his hands up to cup my face.

  “Amelia, it was Hot! If I could do it again right now, I would. But you need to give me a few minutes to recover from what we just did.”

  I shake my head in agreement and he leans in to give me a brief kiss. He grabs the washcloth and proceeds to clean me up. Once he is done, he throws the washcloth towards the bathroom. I get off the bed and I get the full effect. “Holy shit.” I can’t believe I did that. I just can’t get my head wrapped around it. No wonder it felt different.

  Myles walks over to his closet and grabs a clean set of sheets. He brings them over and sets them down in the chair. I help him strip off the sheets, hoping that it didn’t soak all the way through. Thank God. The mattress is fine. It’s a little damp, but nothing to get worked up about. I help him remake the bed then he deposits the dirty sheets into the hamper. When he walks back into the room he heads straight towards me.

  Wrapping his arms around me, he says, “Will you stay with me tonight or do you have to get back to the house?”

  “I want to stay, but I need to text Jamie and let her know that I won’t be coming back tonight.”

  “That’s fine. You go ahead and get ahold of Jamie and let her know. I’ll run downstairs and grab us some snacks and something to drink. Anything in particular you want?”

  “No, whatever you are having is fine with me. I will be here when you get back.”

  Myles turns and heads for the door. I look for my purse so I can let Jamie know what is going on. Once I find my purse, I dig through it for my phone and send her a text.

  Jamie, staying with Myles tonight so don’t wait up. I hit send. Not 30 seconds later there is a ping from my phone, alerting me that I have a message.

  Really? It’s going that good? Okay, I don’t know if I will make it back to the house tonight either, so we will catch up tomorrow.

  I type in my reply, hit send then toss my phone back into my purse.

  I go to the bathroom to freshen up before Myles gets back. I am heading towards the bed as he is coming back into the bedroom with our snacks.

  “Did you get ahold of Jamie?”

  “Yeah, she and Caleb are still out. She didn’t think she was going to make it home tonight either.”

  After we both get settled back in the bed, Myles says, “So, Amelia, we’ve talked about a lot of stuff tonight, but I want to know more about you — about your family, where you went to school, do you have any siblings?…Anything you feel comfortable telling me, I want to know. Then I will tell you anything you want to know about me.”

  I knew this was coming. I don’t like talking about my past or what my family life was like growing up, but I find myself wanting to tell him everything. I really like Myles and he seems to really like me.

  “You really want to know everything about me?”

  “Yes, everything. Don’t leave anything out. I really like you, Amelia. I just want to know more.”

  “Okay, if you really want to know, I will tell you.” So, I begin. Taking a deep breath, I just start talking. I just start at the beginning and let go.

  I was the one of five children. I have two older brothers, a younger sister, a younger brother and me. I don’t know why my parents had five kids. They didn’t have the income so support one child, let alone five. Maybe mom and dad didn’t realize they could use birth control back then.

  My older brothers were mean to me. They constantly tormented me. They never physically hurt me, but mentally, they did a number on me for a while. I tried talked to my mom about it, but she brushed it off. I never felt comfortable talking to my dad about my brothers, because he always stood up for them, telling me that they were ‘just boys,’ and boys were just that way with girls.’ It got to the point where I just stayed in my room to read. I didn’t want to be around them — or anyone for that matter. I only came out of my room when I had to — for meals if my parents had enough money to buy food, to shower or to leave for school. Other than that, you could find me in my room. My brothers never bothered my younger siblings. Just me. The older I got, the more distant I got. It was like I
didn’t even exist. There were many days that went by where I didn’t see anyone in my family. I know I did it to myself, but I felt safe in my room where I could be in my own little world. High school was a whole other story. Even though we hardly ever had food to eat, I was still overweight. I got made fun of a lot. The kids always teased me about my weight and how big my breasts were. I never had new clothes. Even my bra and underwear were hand-me-downs. How sad is that? They never fit. They were either way too big or way too small. I never even had a bicycle.

  For several years, while walking to and from school, I picked up change I found on the ground. It sucked. That was the only way I had money, but I saved it all. I took different routes to school to see how much I could collect. Once I filled my jar, I would stop by the back and have them change it out for bills. My family never caught on to what I was doing, which was good because I had saved quite a bit of money. It’s odd how much money you can find just lying on the ground when you look for it.

  I stop for a second to get a drink of water and look at Myles. His face is sad. No pity, just sadness. “Do you want me to continue, Myles, or is this too much for you?”

  He reaches out and squeezes my hand and tells me to continue if I want. I shake my head yes and start in again.

  I lived in a small town outside of Chicago, Illinois. Our house was falling apart around us and I was ready to go.

  I had just turned 17. I had endured enough. I woke up to get ready for school one day and I just couldn’t go. I couldn’t make it through another day of feeling like this. I felt like I didn’t matter. No one cared for me. I felt like no one would even notice if I was gone. It wasn’t like I saw my family. I stayed away from them and they stayed away from me. So, instead of putting my books in my backpack, I packed some clothes. I had cashed in all the change I had collected and was very pleased that I had saved a few thousand dollars. I know it’s not much, but to a 17-year-old who is going to run away, it’s a lot. I had everything packed, had money in my pocket and I walked out the door. I never looked back.

  I walked to the train station, not knowing where I was going. I ended up buying a ticket that took me to the southern part of Illinois. I got off the train in this small town and felt free. For the first time in my life I felt free. I could breathe. I walked across the street to a diner, walked through the door and grabbed a newspaper. I sat at a booth and ordered something to eat. I had to find a job and a place to live, on a budget to boot. I had to be very careful with how I spent my money. I wasn’t 18 yet, but I had been able to obtain a fake I.D.

  Looking through the paper, I saw a listing for a job I could apply for and saw a vacancy at an apartment complex. I asked the waitress if the addresses were within walking distance. She said I looked like an honest young woman and told me they were looking for another waitress. She said I could have the job if I wanted it. I couldn’t believe my luck. I just had a job land in my lap.

  She went over my hours and how much I was going to make, plus tips. Thanking her, I accepted the offer then went to find an affordable apartment. I was able to pay the deposit and first month’s rent with the money I saved. I didn’t have anything to put in there…I would be sleeping on the floor, but at least I had a roof over my head.

  Once I got settled into a routine with work, I decided to get my GED. I found out where to take the tests, took them and passed with flying colors. I may have been poor, but I wasn’t dumb. I was very smart and I used that to my advantage. Having my GED meant I could go to college and further my education. I wanted to be a nurse. The closest college, thankfully, was in the next town over. It was just a bus ride away. I had just legally turned 18 a few days earlier. I bought myself a cupcake to celebrate. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for me.

  I applied and got accepted into the community college for the nursing program. I had applied for financial aid, but since I didn’t have my parents’ income, I had to take out student loans. You would think being poor, barely living paycheck to paycheck, that I could get some kind of assistance. Nope, that wasn’t the case with me. Student loans were all I could get. So, that’s what I did. I wanted to better myself and did what I had to do.

  I went to school full time and worked as well. It was hard. Very, very hard. I hardly got any sleep for the next two years. I couldn’t fail at this. I had to prove to myself that I could do this and I did. I graduated at the top of my class. I wondered if my parents would be proud of me. I wondered if they even missed me. I only dwelled on those thoughts for a few seconds and let them pass. I was better off without them.

  I worked as a nurse for a few years at the local hospital, gaining experience that would help me in the future. The hospital that I worked for was great. I enjoyed the different people I worked with and loved the feeling of being able to help people, to make a difference in someone’s life. The hospital had a gym that we could use, so I began to work out on a regular basis. The weight start falling off and my spirits started to soar. I felt pretty good about myself.

  I told Myles about moving again and obtaining the job that I currently have and how I met Jamie. He laughed so hard when I told him how she introduced herself to me. It was a full-blown laugh that was great to hear after everything I just told him. I didn’t tell him about my past boyfriends. He doesn’t need to know all that. A girl has to have some secrets after all.

  “Amelia, I really don’t know what to say, except, I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I am very proud of you and the woman you have become. You’re strong, independent, beautiful and an amazing woman. I...” And he stops. What was he going to say, dammit?

  I look at him with tears in my eyes, telling myself not to cry. They spill over and run down my cheeks. He reaches up and wipes them away, then kisses each eye. Then he gives me a sweet kiss on my lips. I smile up at him letting him know that I am okay now. All is well.

  Chapter Ten


  Holy shit! Did I really almost tell her that I love her? I barely know her. Well, I can’t say that now; she just spilled her heart to me and told me her life story.

  I know she left out the parts about past boyfriends, which is fine by me. I don’t want to hear that. The thought of another man’s hands on her body kills me.

  I can’t believe she had to go through all of that. I can’t believe she ran away at 17 and never looked back. I’m glad she left that hellhole. She should have been better taken care of. I wonder if her parents even looked for her. I doubt it. It sounds like they were just as ready for her to leave as she was.

  I am in awe of her. What is she doing to me? I have never felt this way about anyone in my entire life. We’d only spent one evening together and I was going to tell her I love her? She would have been running for the door if I had let that slip. I know I have feelings for her already. I can’t deny that, but love? Do I love her already?

  After kissing away her tears and seeing her smile return, I grabbed a tissue for her. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, I realized just how late it is.

  “Are you okay,” I ask as I scoot down to get comfortable, hoping she will lay down next to me. “Are you ready to get comfortable and maybe get some shut eye?” In agreement, she moves herself down the bed and lays back to rest her head on the pillow.

  My head is still reeling from everything she told me. I can’t imagine growing up like that. I had a mother and a father that loved me unconditionally.

  Wow is all I can think. I am thankful she made it through the way she did. She truly is amazing. I’m not going to let her go. I don’t have much time, but I hope to convince her over the next two weeks that she can’t leave. It won’t be easy, but it’s a challenge I’m willing to take. All I want to do is take care of her. Allowing her to walk out of my life is not an option.

  She rolls onto her side, away from me, so I do the only thing I can — I roll to my side and wrap my arm around her, pulling her into me to spoon her. The little minx wiggles her ass right up against my cock and it starts stirring
again. I hear her giggle so I know she can definitely feel it now. It’s nestled right up against her nice, round, hot ass.

  I reach up to move the hair away from her ear and neck and lean down to give her a few soft kisses. After telling her goodnight and to have sweet dreams, I start to drift off. Then I hear her soft voice.

  “Goodnight, Myles. Sweet dreams to you, too.” And I am out like a light.

  Chapter Eleven


  I’m hot. Why am I so hot? Ah, yes. I know why I’m so hot. I have an arm over my chest with a hand gripping my breast and a leg entwined with mine. Myles is practically laying on top of me and I love it, but the bathroom is calling my name. I don’t know what time it is, but I know it’s morning because I can see the light coming in through the curtains. I try to slowly remove his hand from my breast. God love him, he’s a boob man. Well, I have plenty he can play with.

  Success! His hand is removed, so I start to withdraw my leg.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He asks, reaching for me again. I laugh because he goes straight for my boob again.

  I look over at him. His hair is messy, but sexy. His eyes are still half closed. “I have to use your bathroom, so if you would kindly remove your hand from my tit, I will go to the bathroom and be right back.”

  “Okay, but hurry. I’m hungry and I know exactly what I want for breakfast!” He removes his hand and lifts his legs so I can get out of bed. I look back over my shoulder and see him watching me. The sheet does very little to hide the erection he is sporting this morning. I put a little extra swing in my hips while walking to the bathroom and hear him growl. Laughing, I shut the door to take care of business. I’m a little sore, but it’s not too bad.

  Finishing up with what I needed to do, I wash and dry my hands. Raising my head to look in the mirror, I am horrified by what I see staring back at me. I mean, yes, I have a glow, but my hair…My God!