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Distant Myles Page 13

“You have managed to work your way under my skin and into my heart in less than two weeks.”

  Glancing to the side, I see she has turned so she can still watch me. “That was something I hadn’t planned on. I didn’t plan on falling in love with you. I knew that first night we met that I was doomed.” I blow out the match, lay it down, and then turn to face her.

  I walk towards her, turning her away from me when I reach her, not saying anything to her in the process. Not yet, anyway. I reach up and move her hair off to one side so it doesn’t get caught in the zipper. I start to slowly unzip her dress, kissing the bare skin along the way, taking my sweet time. I don’t want to rush this. I want her to feel what I feel. Bringing my hands back up to her shoulders, I slide her sleeves off and let them slide down her arms. She brings her arms up to help take them the rest of the way off, letting her dress fall and pool around her feet.

  I take a step back to enjoy the view. “God, you’re beautiful.” I just stand there and watch her. I can tell she is trying not to move. I walk up behind her and unclasp her bra, letting the straps fall down her arms and then off onto the floor with her dress. Bringing my hands up to rest on her hips, I grip her tight then lower myself to kneel behind her. I hook the tips of my fingers in her panties and start to lower them, trying to maintain some sort of control in the process. Bringing them down the rest of the way, she raises one foot and then the other to step out of them. I quickly stand and strip out of my own clothes.

  Chapter Thirty-five


  I’m standing here completely naked now. I can hear Myles behind me, removing his own clothes. He walks around and stands in front of me, holding out his hand. I reach up and take it, leading me to the bed, backing me up so my legs bump into the bed. I sit down and slide back until I am in the middle of the bed. Myles climbs up on the bed, slowly working his way up, forcing me to lay back onto the bed.

  He lowers himself onto me, nuzzling his face in my neck. I automatically bring my arms up and around him, trying to bring him closer. He starts kissing my neck. I turn my head to the side to give him better access. Taking his time, working his way to my jawline, up to my lips. He starts the kiss out soft, kissing the corners of my mouth before he takes control, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth, licking it at the same time. I part my lips, silently begging him to just kiss me. I soon get my wish when he thrusts his tongue inside my mouth, possessing me completely. He breaks the kiss and makes his way down my body. Stopping at my breasts, paying delicate attention to each one, causing me to arch my back, trying to get him closer.

  Myles is slowing working his way down my body and it is killing me. He said he was going to make love to me tonight, but this is pure torture. My body is on fire and I need it put out. Now. My hands have minds of their own, rubbing his arms, back, gripping his hair to the point I’m sure is almost painful for him, but I can’t help it.

  Finally making his presence known where I want him the most, he spreads my legs far and wide, licking me from my anus to my clit. I am so wet, I can feel it running out of me. He focuses on my clit, biting, licking, sucking and then slowly working in two fingers. This feels amazing. I don’t know if I can take anymore, but I’m sure he has a lot more planned. I can feel him curl his fingers, working them the way he did the other morning. I am so close. My muscles are starting to spasm and just when I think I am going to come, he stops and withdraws his fingers. He quickly makes his way back up to me, sliding himself in at the same time. He lowers his head and starts kissing me again, thrusting his tongue in my mouth at the same time he thrusts into me. When he said he was going to make love to me, he wasn’t kidding. I can feel his love for me. I kiss him back with just as much love as he is showing me.

  I can feel tears starting to form in my eyes at the same time I can feel my climax working its way to the surface. Myles breaks the kiss and stares into my eyes. I turn my head to the side because I don’t want him to see me cry.

  “Amelia, don’t turn away.”

  I turn my head back to look him in the eyes. “I know, Amelia. I love you too.” He says, almost whispering it. That’s when I feel the tear run down my cheek. He leans down and kisses it away.


  “I’m right there with you, baby. Let go.” he says, thrusting three more times as we climax together. I have never felt anything like this before. Will I be able to walk away from this in the morning?

  Myles rolls to the side and onto his back, taking me with him, managing to somehow grab the sheet to cover us up. I lay there on top of him, with him still inside me, resting my hands on his chest. Neither one of us says anything. He wraps his arms around me, holding me tight, until we both let sleep take us away.

  I wake up to the sun shining through the window and the sound of a phone ringing. At some point in the night I rolled off Myles and was sleeping beside him, still wrapped in his arms.

  “Shit!” I yell, jumping up from the bed.

  “Amelia, what’s wrong.” He asks jumping from the bed as well, but he hasn’t figured out why yet.

  “My phone is ringing downstairs. It’s probably Jamie telling me I’m late. What time is it anyway?” I’m trying to locate my clothes, unsuccessfully I might add.

  Myles goes to his dresser and grabs a pair of boxers. “Um, I think it’s close to eight. You get dressed. I’ll go downstairs and get your phone.” He heads out the door and downstairs to get my phone. I’m still trying to locate my all of my clothing. I’m still missing my panties. I’m on the floor, on my hands and knees, looking under the bed for my panties when Myles comes back into the room, stopping right behind me.

  “Uh, Amelia. Is there any way I can get you to stay in that position for a little while longer.”

  I turn my head to the side to see what he is talking about when I notice he is fully erect, which in turn reminds me of the position I’m in. It only takes me a few seconds to get up to my feet.

  “Thank you for getting my phone. I need to call her back. We were supposed to be on the road over an hour ago. She is going to kill me.”

  “I’m sure she is not going to kill you. She is probably just getting around herself.” He says, taking a seat on the bed.

  I find her number in my phone and call her back. She has only been up for an hour herself, but she is ready to go whenever I am. I tell her that I will have Myles bring me home shortly so we can get on the road. I notice Myles’ head snap up when I tell Jamie this. I finish my conversation with Jamie and disconnect. I will just have to go without my panties because I still can’t find them.

  “Do you need me to take you home, Amelia?” I can hear the sadness in his voice when he asked me that.


  “Okay. Let me get dressed and I will run you home.” Myles gets off the bed in search of some clothes. It doesn’t take him long to throw on a pair of shorts, t-shirt, and his shoes. We both walk downstairs, not saying anything, but you can feel the tension in the air.

  Grabbing his keys, we are out the door and in his car heading to my house.

  When we pull up to the house, Jamie is already loading our bags. Caleb is helping her. Glancing over at Myles, I can see that it is pissing him off that he is helping because the sooner the bags are loaded, the sooner we will be leaving.

  Myles parks the car and turns off the engine. He turns in his seat and reaches for my hands.

  “Amelia, please stay. I don’t want you to leave. Please, I’m begging you, stay.”

  God, this is so hard. I can hear how desperate he is to have me stay, to have me move here with him. I can’t stop the tears that are forming, because I know I’m about to break his heart. I love him. I know I love him, I’m just not ready yet.

  “Myles, please. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. I have to go back. I can’t move here with you. I’m not ready.”

  He hangs his head down after I tell him this. He can’t even look at me right now. I know this is killing him. Hell, it’s killing me.

/>   I reach over and grab his face with my hands, bringing it up so I can look into his eyes. I can see he is holding back. His eyes are glassy, causing my heart to break even more. I lean in and give him one last kiss. Feeling my tears run freely down my cheeks, I break the kiss and lean my forehead on his.

  “I’m sorry, Myles. I’m so sorry.” I let go and get out of the car. I head straight for our car and climb into the passenger seat. Jamie has everything packed and is ready to go.

  “Are you ready, Amelia?” Jamie asks after I shut the door.

  “No, but let’s go.” I am trying to hold back, not wanting Myles, or Caleb for that matter, to see me cry anymore.

  Jamie puts the car into drive. I glance at Myles when we drive past his car. He has his head resting against the steering wheel. I can clearly see the wet streaks down his cheek. As soon as we get down the driveway, the damns break open and all I can do is let the tears fall. Did I just make the biggest mistake of my life because I was too scared to tell him I love him? Because I was too scared to take a risk without knowing what the outcome was going to be?

  We drive for hours, only stopping when we needed to take a bathroom break, and finally so we could get some sleep. We get up early the next morning and head out to finish the drive back home. Jamie drives most of the way because I am still barely able to keep myself from crying.

  We finally make it back to my apartment early Sunday afternoon. Jamie helps me carry my luggage upstairs and into my apartment.

  “Are you going to be okay, Amelia?”

  “I don’t know Jamie. I think if fucked up, big time.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell him you loved him? It’s written all over your face.”

  “Shit. I don’t know. I’m scared to tell him. I’m scared to move away from you and what I know here. I’m just scared. God Jamie, what am I going to do?”

  “Amelia, don’t let me keep you from being happy. Don’t make decisions like that based on me. I’ll be fine. I’ll support you with whatever you decide.”

  “I know. Thank you for being here for me. Unfortunately, I’m here and Myles is there. We’re back to the real world now and right now there is nothing I can do about it.”

  “Amelia, I know he loves you. All you would have to do is pick up that phone and call him. Hell, he would probably drive up here himself to pick you up if you asked him to. That’s how crazy he is about you.”

  “I know. I know. Thanks for bringing me home and helping me with my bags, but I think I just want to be by myself for a while.”

  “Okay, but if you need anything at all, just call me. I can be here in 10 minutes.” Jamie says giving me a hug.

  “I know and I will if I need you. Thanks, Jamie.”

  Jamie heads out the door and I carry my bags back to my bedroom. There is so much to get done before tomorrow. God, I don’t even want to think about going back to work tomorrow.

  Chapter Thirty-six


  I can’t believe she left. I sat here in the car while she got out and didn’t do a damn thing to stop her. Fuck! Why the hell didn’t I do something? What was I going to do, throw myself in front of their car? My mind is racing when there is a tap on my window. Shit. How long have I been sitting here? I raise my head and see Caleb standing there. I roll down my window to see what he wants.

  “Do you want to grab a beer, Myles?”

  “I think I’m going to need something stronger than that Caleb.”

  “Okay, I’ll run by the liquor store and then head over.” He starts to walk away.

  “Don’t bother. I have a bottle at home.” I roll up my window, start the car and head home.

  I pull up to my house and turn off the car. I dread going back inside. Caleb pulls up beside my car and looks over at me. We both get out of our vehicles and head inside. I head straight for the kitchen. There’s a bottle in the cabinet in there with my name on it.

  “Slow down, Myles. You don’t have to drink the entire bottle at once.”

  “Caleb, would you please try to explain to me why she left. Why couldn’t I get her to stay?”

  “I don’t know Myles, but the answer to that question is not at the bottom of that bottle. Drinking that all that booze is not going to magically make her appear."

  “Fuck!” I slam the bottle down on the counter. Surprising myself that I don’t actually break it with the force behind it.

  “I know you don’t want to hear this, but all I can tell you is to just be patient. Maybe she is having second thoughts and will come around. You know she loves you. I could tell that by the way she looked at you.”

  “I am tired of being patient Caleb. But it’s not like I have another choice right now, is there?” I know that came out a bit harsh.

  “You have her number. Stay in contact with her. You can still call her. You can still send her texts. Make it so you are constantly on her mind. I think she will come around. She just has to sort some things out. She’s scared Myles. You are asking her to move down here after only knowing you for two weeks. Give her some time.”

  “I get it. I’ll give her some time. Like you said, I have her number. She never said I had to stop calling her. I just need to keep reminding her that I love her.” Hell, at this point, that is all I can do. I will just have to be patient and hope that she realizes that I really do love her and that I was serious when I told her I want her to move down here.

  “Good. Now you’ve got a plan. Let’s go get some lunch before you drink yourself unconscious,” Caleb says, slapping me on the back. He puts the cap back on the bottle and sticks it back in the cabinet. I guess I’m done drinking for the day. We head out the door to grab some lunch. I hope tomorrow will be a better day.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  3 months later


  It’s been three months since we got back from Texas. Three months since I’ve seen Myles. Three very long and depressing months. I fully realize now what I have done and all I walked away from.

  The first two weeks were the hardest. Trying to get back into the swing of things. Myles is calling and texting me, telling me that he loves me, and that I can still move down there with him, but the longer I’ve been gone, the less he does this. He probably doesn’t even want to see me again. He’s so far away, so distant, but I can still smell him on the clothes.

  When I ran around looking for my clothes that morning, I ended up grabbing one of his shirts. I have yet to wash it. I don’t want to wash away the smell. That’s all I have now. I should have told him how I felt. I should have told him that I loved him.

  All I’ve been doing is moping around for the last three months. I know Jamie is probably getting sick of me complaining about what I did. I know I would be if I were her. I get up off the couch, where my ass has grown roots, because that’s where I end up every day after work, and head toward the kitchen to try to find something to eat, when Jamie comes walking through my front door.

  “Go get dressed, Amelia.” She says, arching her eyebrow. Man, she means business. I wonder what has gotten into her today.

  “I don’t feel like getting dressed, Jamie.”

  “Listen, I am tired of seeing you like this. You’re even more depressed now than what you are in the winter. Your depression is making me depressed and I don’t like feeling depressed. I’ve got a plan and no, I’m not going to tell you what it is. You’re just going to have to trust me. Now, go take a shower because you look like hell and then get dressed. Trust me, today is not the day to argue with me. If I have to drag you out of here by your hair, then I’ll do it.”

  I throw up my hands in defeat. “Fine. I’ll go take a damn shower and then I’ll get dressed. You don’t have to be such a bitch about it, Jamie.”

  “Bitch. You think I’m being a bitch? Amelia, for the love of God, just do what I’m asking. If you think I’m being a bitch now, you don’t want to see what happens if you don’t go and get in the goddamn shower.” She points her finger down the hallway.
I guess I should go.

  “I’m going. I’m going.” I head down the hall to take my shower like the royal pain in my ass has requested. I wonder what she has planned. I’m probably not going to like it whatever it is.

  Chapter Thirty-eight


  The last three months have been hell. I let the woman I love walk away from me. I call her and send her messages throughout the day. I admit that I don’t do it as much now as what I did when she first left. I never thought it would have been possible to fall in love with someone in less than two weeks, but I did. Now, my sorry ass is still waiting. I am still waiting for her to realize that she loves me and hopefully she will move down here with me. Caleb has been trying to help keep my mind off her. Work has been insane, so that helps some. The worst part is when I go home at night to an empty house. No, correction. The worst part is when I crawl into bed and can still smell her on the pillow.

  Today is Saturday and I met up with Caleb for lunch. Lately, after lunch we go around and look at properties he is interested in buying. I wonder what direction we will go today. Some of these places that he thinks he can bring back to life just need torn down. Sometimes I wonder what goes through his head. We end up looking at three different properties today and then he drops me off at my house so I can get the work done that I had to bring home for the weekend.

  It’s about six o’clock when my phone rings. It’s Caleb. He probably has another place he wants to look at.

  “Hey, Caleb, what’s up?”

  “Myles, listen. I found this house that I want to get, but I want to get your honest opinion on it. Is there any way you can meet me there in about an hour.”

  “Caleb, I have a lot of work I need to get done. Can’t I just meet you tomorrow to take a look at it?”

  “No, I have to do it tonight. It’s priced pretty low and I’m afraid that if I don’t move quick, it will be gone. I’ll text you the address and meet you there. The front door will be unlocked, so just come on inside and find me when you get there.”